This and That

>> Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I have an interesting relationship with the state (1 of the 50) I'm in. I've decided to make a conscious effort to reinvent this place... whatever that means. I'm attempting to see things things with a different attitude, as old streets with new adventures and fresh eyes. I'm different than I was five years ago, so I am giving this state the benefit of the doubt and choosing to think that maybe it is too.

I go through knitting phases... now is one of those times. I'm currently working on blue circular scarf that will look something like this, except for the TLC that will be knitted into mine :)

I'm reading a book called "The Wish Maker" by Ali Sethi. It deals with everything from the chanciness of childhood to women's plights to everyday life in Pakistan. I love the feeling of entering a world not previously known and getting lost in it as if it was my own.

Also, this on repeat...thanks to Rach.

Today I am hopeful, thanks to Jesus. He is not good because I have a new job or new prospects or new love. No, I will proclaim He is good because it is inherent to his consistent character, demonstrated to me daily through the gospel.


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