>> Thursday, April 4, 2013
This heart surges as I reflect on the miracle
of these last two years. Yes, a miracle, because that's precisely what these
eyes have grown to see-- a miraculous stretching, a severe mercy. As the
end of this chapter looms close and my insides beat quick with the
reality of change fast approaching, I long to build an Ebenezer, some
stones of help, because it is only by great grace and his presence
unconditional that I have survived, even learned of the sacred.
And what if this Ebenezer was not just a
picture on the wall or a journal entry jotted and scratched on lines to recall
the hour of aid, but what if I let my days, my very words and being, become an
altar of remembrance to this season, to that time when he ushered in
more and more and I couldn’t even take all the good in? What if my life
reflected this fountain of faithfulness, a brief stretch infused and
overflowing with hope in the form of himself?
In light of the journey and the One who asks
not for my talents or time, but my very sinew and soul, I resolve, by the grace
of God,
To start day one of this new chapter with desperate
dependence, to not wait for the gripping hard to force the flames of trust.
Resolved, to value his voice above all the rest and to
return again and again to the Anchor, the One who speaks volumes of my real
status and worth--- adopted daughter, heir, delight.
To be a woman, daughter, sister, teacher, and friend
abundant in grace, a conduit of unearned dignity, because really, that is the
only way to live.
I resolve to wait, for his timing and his purposes and bend
and move according to the rhythms of the Spirit at work.
To not instinctively turn shadows into light, difficulty
into ease, because those are not his promises and what’s the point of an
impossible God unless we’re put in impossible situations?
Resolved, to beg with boldness and be vulnerable in the
secret places and often ask for unreasonable things.
I resolve to keep in the forefront, to know and consider the
great story—talk about it and live it and remember it’s not about me and never
has been.
Come, let us return to the Lord; for he has
torn us, that he may heal us; he has
struck us down, and he will bind us up. After two days he will revive us; on the third day he will raise us up, that we may live before him. Let
us know; let us press on to know the Lord;
his going out is sure as the dawn; he will come to us as the showers, as the spring
rains that water the earth.